Thursday, October 22, 2020

Virtual Band Class update

 Good morning!

We have started our virtual band classes, and we have been meeting for about 2.5 weeks now.

Students seem to be enjoying class. It is quite different to not be able to hear everyone play all at once, but only see them (if they can have their camera on).

For advanced band, we will be trying to get each person to video record themselves playing Rio Bravo this week so Mrs. McG can experiment with a program to patch everyone together into a band performance. Ask your student if they need help, and we will be doing the same in our class.

In beginning band we have learned how to make a mouthpiece sound, assemble our instrument and hold it. Our rhythms we have been practicing are whole, half, and quarter notes & rests. We will start using the band book next week; Sound Innovations book 1. Please let Mrs. McG know if you need to borrow a book from the school.


Mrs Winans & Mrs. McG